Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Can we come up with new names for our ideologies? I am particularly tired of people referring to themselves as conservative. If someone were to ask me "what do you think about conservatives" my reply would be, "I'd like to meet one". 

When I think of conservative, I think of fiscal responsibility, like trying to have a balanced budget. No one talks about this. You would think that "conservatives" would be all over this issue but they are not. During Bill Clintons last 2 years in office the country was actually running surpluses. He was the only president to have done that over the past 3 decades and we are now back to running 400 billion dollar deficits every year. 

When I think of conservatism, I think about the Federal Government getting smaller. Its grown significantly larger over the past eight years. True conservatism would scoff at the idea of using tax payer money to bail out AIG as well as many other cooperations. 

Some how conservative has become, huge military (so we can fight off the evil Soviet Union), low taxes (even if that means our national debt goes through the roof), the expansion of executive power, pre-emptive military action, pro life, and hunting.

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